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The Vossius Center offers funding for Colloquiums/Master classes, Matching and Research Fellows.

Applicants are invited to submit a proposal for obtaining a subsidy for the organization of master classes, matching or research fellows. The proposal should make clear why it fits in the research theme of the Center, i.e. a post-disciplinary perspective on the development of knowledge.

Research fellows 

Meant for inviting top researchers for 1-3 months to the UvA. There are two kinds of fellowships:

  • A Junior Fellow carries out research in the field of history of humanities and/or sciences, and presents her/his work at a colloquium at the Vossius Center, public lectures or/and research seminars. We encourage that the junior fellow’s work lead to a funding application.
  • A Senior Fellow, in addition, establishes or consolidates a concrete collaboration with one or more members of the Vossius Center preferably leading to a joint project proposal.

Candidates should have a clear affinity with the history of humanities and/or sciences. Fellows are expected to participate in the activities of the Vossius Center whenever possible. For further information about the funded costs please contact us at


Submit a 750-word proposal, CV of the guest researcher, a letter of recommendation of one of the members of the Vossius Center, and a travel budget. For subsistence, the Vossius center offers a lumpsum of 2000 Euro per month for junior fellows, and 2500 Euro per month for senior fellows. On top of the lumpsum, fellows can also claim travel costs of maximally 500 Euro for fellows from Europe and of maximally 1000 Euro for fellows outside of Europe.

Application deadline 

1 June 2025 for fellowships for 2026

Application form

Please apply by using this application form.

Colloquiums/Master classes

Meant for international guest researchers in the field of HHS who want to visit the UvA for a few days to maximally a week. The guest researcher will give a lecture or/and a master class and intends to brainstorm on a project proposal.


Submit a 750-word proposal, CV of the guest researcher, and a budget.

Application deadline

Continuously open to applications

Application form

Please apply by using this application form


Each Vossius-member can apply for small amount of matching for PhD positions or postdoctoral positions. This matching is not intended to extend a 3-year PhD-contract to a longer period, but only to fill a small gap of funding.


Submit a 750-word proposal, motivation for the matching, and a budget.

Application deadline 

Continuously open to applications

Application form

Please apply by using this application form.


All submissions should be sent to:

Applications are assessed by the Vossius Board of Directors.