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The Allard Pierson’s History of Nutrition Collection contains over 20,000 cookery books and other printed works on ingredients, food cultures, nutrition science, domestic science, etiquette and restaurants, ranging from the 16th century to the present.

The storage rooms furthermore contain dozens of recipe manuscripts and thousands of menu cards. The primary focus of the collection is on printed works from the Netherlands, although publications from abroad are also represented. Part of the collection derives from the extensive collections of such culinary authors as Johannes van Dam, Joop Witteveen and Wina Born. This heritage tells the story of food and nutrition in the broadest sense of the word and can be used for a range of research topics in a variety of ways.

Suggestions for research:

  • Shifting perspectives on what constitutes a healthy diet.
  • Colonial thought patterns in Surinamese and Indonesian cookery books.
  • The rise of ultra-processed foods.
  • Social differences in patterns of food consumption.
  • The introduction of new foodstuffs.
  • Other topics in the field of food and nutrition.

For more information about the requirements and selection process follow this link.