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In the academic year 2021-2022, the Vossius Center will launch a close reading group with a focus on epistemology. We will read and discuss texts that the members of the group find relevant and interesting. Meetings will, ideally, take place on location, and there will be no presentations, just questions and discussion.

Meetings will take place every other week on a time still to choose. As a text to start with, we propose the recently translated On Logic and the Theory of Science (1942, Engl. Trans. with Urbanomic & Sequence Press, 2021) by Jean Cavaillès. The first discussion topic will be chapter 1 of this book (pp. 39-69).

The main target group are PhD students, but anyone who loves discussing texts with an eye for the huge consequences of the minute detail is most welcome to participate. If this holds for you and you want to know more, just send an email to one of the organizers.

The first meeting of the reading group will take place on September 23rd, 14:00-15:00 hrs, in BG2 0.08 on the City Centre Campus. If you wish to attend, please send an email to the organizers. For the following meetings, the location will be announced at a later time.


Looking forward to reading together with you!

Aybüke Özgün (
Robert van Leeuwen (
Julia Kursell (